Welcome to You Ask Andy

Chris Hallenbeck, age 12, of Little Rock, Ark., for his question:


Today about 1,300 full time fire departments and more than 18,000 volunteer fire departments serve and protect cities and towns across the United States. Big city fire departments are divided into companies, with an officer usually holding the rank of captain in command of each neighborhood unit.

Fire departments in the cities are manned night and day. Very early in civilized man's history he discovered that fire could accidentally break out in his home or community. He also discovered that water was probably the best material to bring the flames under control, but it wasn't always easy for him to get the water to the fire.

The world's first fire department dates back to ancient days. We know volunteer fire fighting groups were organized in ancient Eygpt and perhaps even earlier. In the early days, water was carried to the fire in buckets or other containers.

Bucket brigades were perfected during the Colonial period in North America. Two lines of volunteers stretched from the fire to the source of water. Empty buckets passed along one line of people and full buckets went back on the second.

There were some big problems with the system, as you can imagine. It took a lot of volunteers and a tremendous number of buckets. And it wasn't easy to throw the water into a burning building.

In 1666 one of the worst fires in history destroyed more than 13,000 buildings in London. Thousands of people were left homeless. The fire did become the turning point toward a system for fire protection, however. Well organized fire departments were soon established.

After the disastrous London fire, new laws were passed which controlled the construction of buildings and the manner in which they were occupied. And the year following the fire, a London fire insurance company was established.

Hand operated water pumps were also developed shortly after the big London fire. This piece of equipment enabled firemen to spray a stream of water on a fire through a hose. It wasn't too long until the pumps were mounted on wheels. By the mid 1800s, teams of horses pulled the pumps to fire locations.

A self propelled fire engine, driven by a steam engine, was first used in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1852. Thousands were used in cities across the country until the fire truck with a gasoline engine came in as a replacement starting in the early 1900s.

Many career opportunities are available to young men and women in the fields of fire fighting and fire prevention. Some cities have special schools where beginning firemen are trained to use special equipment. They also learn how to rescue victims and to work well as a member of a team. For most jobs, it is necessary for an applicant to pass written intelligence tests, medical examinations and tests of physical strength and agility.



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