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Patty Sloppy, age 10, of Roy, Wash., for her question:


Bigfoot, alias the Sasquatch, is a huge hairy beast of the Pacific Northwest. Or so some people say. Now and then somebody catches a glimpse of him, dashing off to hide in the wild woody shrubbery. Or so they say. Now and then somebody finds a huge footprint. Somebody took a hazy picture that looks somewhat like a big shaggy beast  such as an apeman or a man ape. But none of this is proof that Bigfoot really exists. Most scientists are quite sure that he is neither an apeman nor a man ape  because neither of these creatures really exists. You may believe in Bigfoot if you wish. But old Andy plumb refuses to believe that there is such a creature  even though lots of people try to persuade us that there is such a big hairy beast



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