Keith Callaway, age 9, of Greenville, Miss., for his question:
Bullfrog is the common name for various large frogs that are native to the eastern part of North America from Canada to Mexico. It has also been introduced into the western states. A mature frog is dull green, with a yellowish or white belly, and dark, barred legs. Its body is up to eight inches long with 10 inch hind legs.
Bullfrogs live in or near quiet lakes and ponds. They eat fish, crustaceans, ice, snakes and small frogs.
The large "ears" or tympani, located behind the eyes, are specifically receptive to the mating calls of its species.
During mating season the males float in the water at night, giving their mating calls. They are very aggressive in defending their calling territories and attack intruders violently.
Females, distinguishing the call of their species, are attracted to a calling bullfrog. The female lays as many as 10,000 eggs in quiet water. The eggs hatch into tadpoles that mature into adult bullfrogs in one year in a warm climate and in two or three years if the climate is cool.