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Charlotte Norton, age 17, of Birmingham, Ala., for her question:


Nero was a Roman emperor and the last relative of the Caesars. He was accused of setting a fire that burned part of Rome in the year 64, and the saying "Nero fiddled while Rome burned" became very popular. Most historians, however, doubt Nero's guilt.

Nero blamed the Christians for the fire. Because of his feelings, he had many of them put to death cruelly.

Nero is actually remembered most for his mistreatment of Christians and his neglect of government affairs while he pursued a musical career. He ruled Rome from A.D. 54 to 68.

In some ways, Nero was a good administrator. He brought peace to the province of Britain after a revolt. He sent a fleet to protect Roman ships on the Black Sea and chose excellent military commanders for wars in Armenia and Judea.

Late in his reign he left Rome to sing in festivals in Greece. He returned to find the provinces in revolt and the Senate and his guards in Rome plotting against him.



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