Welcome to You Ask Andy

David Becker, age 13, of Champaign, I11., for his question:   


This month, August, was named for Augustus Caesar and last month, July, was named for Julius Caesar. The Roman senate offered to name the 11th month for Tiberius Caesar. He refused modestly, saying, "What will you do if you have 13 emperors?"

So even though November is the 11th month of the year, the name comes from the Latin word "novem" which means `nine.`

Originally there were 30 days in November, then 29 and then 31. Since the time of Augustus, it has had 30 days.

The Anglo Saxons referred to November as "the wind month" and sometimes as "the blood month," probably because during this period they killed animals for their winter meat.

The topaz is November's birthstone and the month's special and favorite flower is the chrysanthemum.



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