Welcome to You Ask Andy

Ann Marsh, age 14, of Longview, Wash., for her question:


The Salvation Army is a worldwide Christian religious body that has a semi military structure. It was started by Gen. William Booth, a former Methodist minister, as he conducted meetings to bring the gospel to the poor of London's East End slums in 1865.

Booth's work was well received and he organized the Christian Mission. In 1878, the mission changed its name to the Salvation Army, designed uniforms for officers and adopted a semi military system of leadership.

The cause spread quickly. The army now operates in almost 100 countries and colonies. It was established in the United States in 1880 and today there are about 10,000 centers from coast to coast.

The Salvation Army maintains hospitals for unwed mothers, industrial homes where men rebuild their characters, low cost lodging houses and nurseries for babies of working mothers. It also has fresh air camps, boys' and girls' clubs, family welfare work programs and provides aid to prisoners.



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