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Debbie Wong, age 16, of Billings, Mont., for her question:


The earliest known Chinese dynasty, or family of rulers, was called the Shang dynasty. The dynasty governed from about 1500 B.C. until 1027 B.C. It was centered in what is now the northern Honan province.

Though based on agriculture, the Shang society became famous for its fine carvings and bronze work. Most Shang relics found by scientists come from An yang, the last Shang capital. An yang had houses, palaces, temples and many elaborate tombs.

Bronze was used to make vessels, weapons and chariot fixtures. The people also carved marble and jade and wove silk.

The Shang writing system had more than 3,000 symbols. This writing appears on pieces of bone called oracle bones. The people used oracle bones to ask the spirits of their ancestors about such future occurrences as crop raising, hunting trips and wars. A priest king headed the Shang society.



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